Will you
create yourown web
site |
• 50 MB available
space for your web
pages and hosting
for one year
• URLs under the form http://www.company.gr
and/or http://www.company.com
• Unlimited data
• Management of your web pages in
graphic environment
from your office with
• E-mail of 5 virtual users
such as info@company.gr
or sales@company.gr,
• Advertising registration
of your company's
info in the www.athensguide.gr
electronic guide-search
engine, in the relevant
• Registration in the main search
engines so
that you can be easily
• Daily statistic analysis
of the visitors, so
that you know everything.
For sample, visit
• CompassMail
to read your emails
easily from the WEB
• Preinstalled CGI programs: mailform
for online communication
with your clients
and meters to check
the traffic in your
web pages.
• You will receive the Email and
passwords. With the
ftp you have access
to the management
of your site anytime
you wish.
• Daily backup of
your web pages
• Constant watch of the web • UPS server backup
• Seven web pages
for the presentation
of your products or
services. These include
the main web page,
one web page with
your company's resume,
detailed presentation
of your products with
technical features
and one page for communication.
• Another seven pages
with the content in
an other language.
You shall provide
us with the products
photos, texts and
logos. |